Videos & Webinars

Pop some popcorn, grab a friend, and settle in to watch our solar powered educational videos! Explore virtual Q&As with passionate folks in the New England solar movement. Learn from webinars about solar, farming, and the natural world. You can even see a lamb being born! There’s something for everyone.



ReVision Energy Webinars

A virtual educational series featuring ReVision co-owners and members of our Solar Champion community

Webinar 1: Solar Q&A for Students

Webinar 2: Solar Myth Busting

Webinar 3: Backyard Birding with Maine Audubon

Webinar 4: Youth Activism with Siri Pierce

Webinar 5: How to Become a Wildlife Biologist

Webinar 6: Milkweed & Monarchs

Solar 101 Videos

A collection of animated, bite sized videos that explain how and why solar and its related technologies work.

How Solar Power Works

Heating and Cooling with Solar

Solar Electric Vehicle Charging

Solar Powered Battery Backups

How Community Solar Works

New England’s Solar Powered Future

Solar Stories

Hear from the inspirational folks who have brought solar to their schools, businesses, and communities.

Meet Local Solar Farmer, Peter Curra

Solar Powered Produce at Farmer’s Dave

Kids Enjoy the Sun at Camp Huckins

Students Bring Solar to Proctor Academy

Tour this Solar Powered Facility

This Homestead Runs on the Sun

Just for Fun

Sunquatch, music, and more!

Solar Power…It’s Wicked Good!

Solar’s Kind of Wonderful

Sunsquatch: the Origin Story

Sunsquatch Hits the Slopes

A Lamb is Born on the Farm Tour!

Tour a Solar Powered Home


Use Sunsquatch’s learning activities and downloadable pages to learn, create, and explore our wonderful planet. Get learning!